ZIRCAR Refractory Composites, Inc. produces a comprehensive line of advanced high performance ceramic-ceramic composite materials and related products. Our materials are used around the world in the most demanding thermal, structural and electrical insulating applications ranging in temperatures from 600°C(1112°F) to 1650°C(3002°F). For over twenty-five years, we have been a problem-solver working with our customers to resolve their thermal management problems. We have developed products that have become industry standards for induction melting, forging and heat treating applications, investment casting, glass processing, hot pressing, as well as many high temperature electrical applications.

Application Sheet

Application: Compression Plate Insulation

Product: Refractory Sheet Type RSLE-57

Application Information: Refractory Sheet Type RSLE-57 is used in this application as an electric insulator for induction hot pressing of diamond saw segments, brake pads, and cookware. 

RSLE-57 is an integral part of the production of hot pressed diamond segments. RSLE-57 is used as a separator to electrically and thermally insulate a metal ram from a graphite pack. It will see in excess of 1800°F with several thousands pound per square inch compression without any surface deformation.

Benefits: RSLE-57 has excellent dielectric strength, good compressive strength and thermal shock resistance, and is easily machined to various shapes to tight tolerances.


ZIRCAR Refractory Composites, Inc.

P.O. Box 489

Florida, NY, 10921 USA

Phone:  (845) 651-2200                          Fax: (845) 651-1515 
email: sales@zrci.com